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Bergen Street

(this photo is from somewhere. on the internet.)

What follows is a short post in praise of Bergen Street Comics.

At this point, it is difficult to count the number of people who have come to me to say, ‘There’s this new comics store in Brooklyn and I went in and they were awesome!’

At which point I say, ‘Oh, you must be talking about Bergen Street Comics.’

I am right 100% of the time.

A mysterious unnamed person I was talking to just yesterday about a mostly-completely unrelated topic (ice cream) suddenly proclaimed mid-conversation — ‘There’s this comics store!  It seems like they should be the model for all comics stores across the US!’

I was unsurprised to find that the store he thought so highly of was Bergen Street.

Here’s the thing: the hype is accurate.  The store is lovely; they have a great selection of books for all sorts of people, including small ones (kids) and people who have already read much of everything (me); they also usually have original art up on the walls, which makes the store even lovelier; their events have many people and champagne, and they’re even in a good neighborhood for pre/post event food!  And they’re also friendly and helpful and good at hand-selling!

What more could you want in a store?

One more reason to go there, especially next Saturday:
