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As someone who turns frequently to blogs and youtube tutorials for information on how to do stuff (viz.: breaking in Doc Martens, baking biscuits, re-foaming my 40-year old advent speakers, applying liquid eyeliner) I am obviously already totally sold on the concept of the internet as a great big cloud-powered encyclopedia of know-how.

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And perhaps you are, too, in which case I’m preaching to the choir. But! Preach I shall.

Blogs that share tips and little peeks into the cartooning process are one of my favorite forms of this open-source knowledge culture. Here are some I’ve enjoyed a great deal lately, which you may well enjoy also!

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A recent blog post by Jason Rainey on the kick-ass webcomic “Americus” (soon to be a First Second book!) about creating gray tones for black line art with a lightbox.


“Sailor Twain” creator and First Second Editorial Director Mark Siegel on his morning routine in the studio. (Tea!)


The Comics Tools blog continues with tips both basic and esoteric for cartoonists of all stripes.